Terms and Conditions

  1. General
    • These terms and conditions set out the basis on which we provide services to you the customer.
    • The terms may be altered by us at any time. We will give you 5 days notice of any change of terms via any of the contact methods we have on record for you. Your continued use of the service indicates your acceptance of the new terms.
  2. Quality of service
    • Advertised speed is the maximum possible speed. A number of factors can affect speed, from the configuration of your computer and equipment, our network, the network of our up stream provider(s), and the site that you are connected to.
    • We do not guarantee that the service will be available at all times
    • We may, but are not obliged to, filter access to any site or service on the Internet. This filtering may block access to or slow access to the content.
  3. Termination of contract
    • Either party may terminate this contract by giving 2 working days notice.
    • We may suspend access without notice: for failure to comply with the terms of this agreement, or if required to by law, or following a request from St Peter’s School management.
  4. Your responsibilities
  5. You agree:

    • To notify us if your contact details change
    • That you are responsible for all use of the service(s) provided and if you allow another person or entity to use the service that they also will comply with these terms and conditions
    • To comply with all laws of New Zealand, other countries, and St Peter’s School, Cambridge as may be relevant while using the service.
    • That you will not use the service(s) for any offensive act, including: uploading or transferring illegal or offensive material, or material under copyright without the copyright owner’s permission.
    • To provide reasonable access to our employees, contractors and authorised representatives to carry out any work required for the commencement, decommissioning, and ongoing provision of services to you, and for maintenance of our network.
  6. Liability
    • You agree that you will not hold us liable for any cost, directly or indirectly, from failure of the service to perform as expected.
  7. Privacy
  8. In the course of interacting with us, you will provide us with some private information. This section states how this will be dealt with.

    • Your data may be shared with
      • contractors and other third parties for provision of the service.
      • Law enforcement officers (including St Peter’s Management) when we believe that that is required or warranted.
    • In all other situations your personal information will be kept private.
    • We may, but are not obliged to, monitor the network for any and every reason.
  9. Miscellaneous provisions
    • If one of the provisions of this contract proves unenforceable, the other provisions remain in force.
    • If your plan doesn' . "'" . 't include a static IP you will do ten press-ups during each Level 3 WAN class.
  10. Phone services
    • If you have phone services with us, we will pass on your name, address, and phone number to Yellow Pages Group for inclusion in the White Pages. If you do not want to be included, or which additional details to be included please contact us.
    • On termination of services with us, we will inform Yellow Pages Group that the number is no longer active, and the White Pages entry will be removed. If you port the phone number to another provider they will need to contact Yellow Pages Group to have the entry re added.
    • Any phone number that we allocate to you does not become your property. If we need to change your number we will give you as much notice of the change as possible.
  11. Payment for services
    • Broadband is an always on service. You are required to pay for the service whether or not you us the service.
    • If you fail to pay on time, we may charge a penalty for late payment, along with any costs incurred in procuring payment.